Wednesday, May 02, 2007

SurveyUSA polling on Edwards

There are millions of reasons for every Democrat, Independent, progressives and moderate voters to get behind former Sen. John Edwards and his inspiring presidential campaign, from his policy initiatives for universal health care, curbing global warming and reducing carbon emissions, creating jobs for all Americans, etc. But one of the most compelling reasons for Democrats to support Edwards is that this guy will win if given the nomination. If one needs further proof, take a look at these numbers from SurveyUSA polling -- which indicate Edwards is tied with GOP juggernaut Giuliani in Virginia, and ahead of him in Missouri, Ohio and Kentucky. The polling numbers are much higher for Edwards than for Obama and Clinton, who, despite their respective qualities, present immediate difficulties for winning in key states and expanding the electoral college votes for Democrats.



At 8:50 PM, Blogger Trochilus said...

Edwards seems to be one of those candidates who some will seek to portray various ways while others will accept him at face value.

Me, I'm not sure which way I see him.


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